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Use of Lead in Paint: Highly Dangerous

Kf]G6df n]8-l;;f_sf] k|of]u M cTolws xflgsf/s

n]8-l;;f_ uGw gcfpmg] tyf rlDsnf] lgnf] /Ësf] uxf}{ wft' xf] h'g rfx]sf] cfsf/df nfg ;lsg], nlrnf] x'g] tyf /;folgs ?kdf s'g} klg a:t'nfO{ IftL x'gaf6 /f]Sb5 . n]8 k|fs[lts ?kdf 9'Ëf, df6f], xfjf, y]u|f], e'ldut kfgL, ;d'Gb« cfbLdf kfO{G5. n]8 k|fs[lts ?kd} xflgsf/s x'g] tyf z/L/ ;Fu ;+ks{df cfPdf laleGg k|s[ltsf /f]ux? nfUg;S5g . xfjf, w'nf], kfgL jf df6f] h'g;'s} dfWoddf kgL k|fs[lts ?kd} ;lhn} ldl;g ;Sg] ePsf]n] aftfj/0f tyf :jf:Yosf] lx;faaf6 n]8 lgs} g} xflgsf/s ;fljt e};s]sf] 5 . n]8n] dfgj z/L/df k|a]z ugf{n] laiffn' kbfy{sf] sfd ug{ ;Sg] ePsf]n] o;nfO{ :jf:Yo b[li6sf]0faf6 cTolws xflgsf/s dflgG5 . yf]/} dfqfdf z/L/df k|a]z u/] klg laleGg lsl;dsf ;fgf 7'nf /f]u lgDTofpg ;Sg] k|j[tL n]8sf] 5

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k]G6df n]8-l;;f_sf] k|of]u
k]G6 laleGg tTj h:t} lkud]G6, /]lhg, lkmn/, ;Ne]G6 cfbL sf] lalwat ;ld>0f af6 pTkfbg x'G5 . k]G6 zAbn] Ogfd]n, elgz]{;, k|fOd/, sf]l6ª, Un]h cfbL nfO{ ;dfa]z u5{ . k]G6 ;fdfGo?kdf cf}wf]lus k]G6 tyf leqL 3/,ejg, kmlg{r/ tyf :s"n ;hfpgof]Uo k]G6sf] ;d"xdf 5'6\ofOG5 . n]8 k]G6 eGgfn] laleGg pkof]uLtfsf] b[li6sf]0faf6 k]G6df Ps jf PseGbf n]8sf] of}lus ;ld>0f ul/g'nfO{ hgfOG5 . n]8nfO{ lkud]G6, 8«fO{/, afOG8/ tyf lkmn/sf] ?kdf k]G6df ld;fOG5 . n]8o"Qm oL ;fdu|Lx? Kf]G6df ld;fOgfn]  rdstf tyf tfhf cfs[tL lbg], aiff}{ ;Dd /ª gp8\g] tyf 3fdkfgLaf6 xfgL gf]S;fgL gx'g], /ª rf8} ;'Sg] tyf /ËnfO{ ;a}lt/ pxL dfqfdf km}ng] agfpF5 . 

g]kfnL k/La]zdf n]8hGo k]G6sf] :yLtL
g]kfnL k/La]zdf n]8hGo k]G6sf] Jofkf/ o'uf} b]vL /x]sf] 5 . Kfl5Nnf bzsdf b]z ljsfztkm{ pGd'v e}/x]sf] cj:yfdf 3/ lgdf{0fqmd klg ltj| ultdf cl3 al9/x]sf] 5 . 3/ lgdf{0f tyf dd{t sfo{;Fu} /Ë/f]ug sfo{ klg ltj| ?kdf a9]sf] 5 . b'{efUojz ;f] ;dodf ljlqmljt/0f  ePsf] ;a}h;f] k]G6df n]8 ld;fOPsf] x'g]ub{Yof] . kl5Nnf s]xL ;dodf n]8 gld;fOPsf] k]G6x? ahf/df cfPsf] ePkgL hgtfx? eg] klxNo}b]vL k|of]udf cfPsf] n]8o'Qm k]G6 af6 c´} klg k|eflat 5g\ . x/]s 3/sf] leTtf, ‰ofn, 9f]sf tyf ljBffnosf] a]~r, 8]:s,s';L{ b]vL 5fq tyf 5ffqfaf;df k|of]u ePsf] u|Ln tyf kmnfd] kmlg{r/x?df ;d]t n]8o'Qm k]G6sf] k|of]u e}/x]sf] 5 h;af6 w]/} eGbf w]/} g]kfnL hgtf n]8sf] b}lgs ?kdf ;]jg ul//x]sf jf ;+ks{df al;/x]sf 5g\ . laz]ifu/L laBfnodf leTtf, a]~r, 8]:s tyf s';L{df k|of]u ePsf] k]G6 tyf o;af6 pks]/ lg:sg] k]G6sf kqx? -5f]qmfx?_ aRrfx?n] l;w} d'vdf xfNg] ePsf]n] klg n]8o'Qm k]G6 rrf{sf] ljifo ag]sf]] xf] . n]8o'Qm k]G6sf] ;Dks{df /x]sf ^ aif{eGbf d'lgsf aRrfx? ;a}eGbf a9L vt/fdf /x]sf] tyf k|efljt e}/x]sf 5g .
N]f8 ljleGg ;|f]tx?af6 Zjf;k|Zjf;, vfgf;]jg tyf 5fnfsf] dfWodåf/f xfd|f] z/L/df k|j]z u/L :jf:Yo ;d:of lgdTofpg] ub{5 .  /QmgnLdf n]8n] /ftf] /Qm sf]lifsfx?nfO{ dfb{5 . kmn:j?k ljleGg cË tyf tGt'df /utsf] sdL e} cfjZos clS;hg k'Ug ;Sb}g\ . n]8n] dl:tis / :gfo' k|0ffnlsf] ljsf;df cj/f]w k'¥ofpF5 . /QmcNktf o;sf] ;fwf/0f nIf0f xf] . c? nIf0fx? h:t} M k]6 b'Vg', tf}n 36\g', slAhot x'g], clgb|f x'g], 6fpsf]  b'Vg', dg ljrlnt x'g', 5f/] /f]u, lr8lr8]kgf ;fy} cr]t cj:yfdf k'Ug] klg b]lvG5 . nuftf/ nfdf] ;do;Dd ln8sf] ;Dks{df cfof] eg] o;n] d[uf}{nfsf] sfo{df c;/ k'¥ofpF5 tyf gk'+;s agfpg ;S5 . n]8 cToflws dfqfdf laiffn' x'g] ePsf]n] s]jn Ps 8f]h n]8sf] ;]jgn] klg w]/} /f]usf cfsl:ds nIf0fx? b]vf kg{ yfNb5g\ . n]8sf] ;Dks{ jf ;]jgn] z/L/nfO{ s'g} kmfO{bf t k'of{pb}g t/ z/L/sf ;Dk'0f{ ;Da]bglzn c+u tyf k|0fflnx?df gsf/fTds c;/ eg] k'of{pb5 . kLl8t dfG5]df b]lvg] /f]usf] k|s[tL tyf s7f]/tf AolStljz]ifdf ;Dks{sf] dfqf, dfWod, pgLx?sf vfgkLg tyf a+;f0f'ut ;+/rgf cg';f/ km/s km/s x'g]ub{5 .

N]f8sf] ;]jgn] kg{ ;Sg] c;/x?
jfnjflnsfsf] z/L/df n]8sf] dfqf yf]/}g} eP klg lgs} xflgsf/s x'G5 . n]8sf] dfqf a9];Fu} IftLsf] dfqf a9\g] ;Defjgf /xG5 . /f]usf nIf0fx? Nf]8;Fusf] ;Dk{s ;do tyf n]8sf] dfqf;Fu} a9]/ cfp5 h:t} 6fpsf] b'Vg], l;Sg] Ifdtfdf x|f; cfpg], lbdfuL ;Gt'ng lau|g], z/L/ j[l¢df sdL cfpg], Joxf]/fdf kl/jt{g cfpg], >j0f zlQm u'Dg] Kffrg k|0ffnLdf c;/ kg]{, /Qmrfk a9\g], :d/0fzlQm u'Dg], d[uf}nfdf v/faL cfpg], lbdfudf c;/ k'Ug], df+zk]zL tyf hf]gL{ b'Vg], gzfdf c;/ k'Ug], df+zk]zLaLr ;dGh:otf lau|g] cflb .

Hfg:jf:Yo tyf jftfj/0f k|j¢{g s]G›af6 ;g @)!) df g]kfnL ahf/df kfOg] laleGg /fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o k]G6 ul/ hDdf @$ k]G6sf] gd'gfdf cWoog ul/Psf] lyof] . cWoog cg';f/ %)% eGbf a9L k]G6df n]8sf] dfqf () ppm -;'´flat dfkb08_ eGbf lgs} w]/} kfOof] . n]8sf] dfqf #.(* ppm b]lv &#(^^.$ ppm ;Dd lyof]. cf}ift n]8sf] dfqf ^%&$.&! ppm lyof] h'g () ppm eGbf &# u'0ff Hofbf xf] . NS clsFt k]G6d} klg pRr dfqfdf n]8sf] kl/df0f e]l6Psf] lyof]. NS clsFt Ogfd]n k]G6x?df n]8sf] kl/df0f @)&).(( ppm b]lv &#(^^.$ ppm ;Dd e]l6Psf] lyof] . Ogfd]n k]G6df cf}ift n]8sf] dfqf !@!!#.(@ ppm lyof] . l8:6]Dk/ tyf O{dN;g k]G6sf gd"gfx?df n]8sf] dfqf Psbd} Go"g /x]sf] kfO{Psf] lyof] . g]kfn u'0f:t/ k|fKt jflg{;];\ k]G6;df klg $@=$ lklkPd n]8 kfO{Psf] lyof] .

xfd|f] g]kfndf k]G6x?df ln8sf] dfqf lgoGq0f ;DalGw s'g} sfg"g tyf dfkb08x? 5}g\ . ef/tdf jfWofTds dfkb08 gePklg :j]lRIfs dfkb08 eg] !))) lk=lk=Pd= /x]sf] 5 h'g klg cGt/fli6«o dfkb08eGbf lgs} dfly /x]sf] 5 . b'O{ jif{eGbf a9L ;dob]lv 5nkmndf /x]sf] ePtfklg ;DalGwt lgsfon] k]G6df ln8 ;DalGw s'g} dfkb08 eg] tf]ls;s]sf] 5}g\ . t/klg ljleGg s]xL sDkgLx?n] cfˆgf] k]G6df ln8sf] dfqf lgs}g} 36fO{ ;s]sf] 5  eg] sltkon] cem} klg 36fPsf 5}gg\ . pbfx/0fsf nfuL ef/tdf g]/f]nfs / Pl;og k]G6x?df qmdzM cf}ift %$ / $( lk=lk=Pd= dfq kfO{of] eg] a/h/ k]G6x?sf] cf}ift lgs} w]/} !#,))* lk=lk=lPd= kfO{Psf] 5 .

;/;Nnfx tyf ;'´fjx?
·        ;/sf/n] 3/ tyf kmlg{r/ /Ëfpg n]8 d"Qm /Ësf] dfq pkof]u ug]{ u/fpg] / o;sf nflu ;/sf/n] ljZj:t/Lo /fd|f] jfWofTds / s8f dfkb08 tf]Sg' kb{5 .
·        ;a} 3/ tyf kmlg{r/ /Ëfpg] k]G6 pTkfbsx?n] ln8d"Qm k]G6 pTkfbg k|s[of ckgfO{ ;Dk"0f{ If]qdf ln8d"Qm k]G6 ljqmLljt/0f ug'{ u/fpg' kg]{ ;DalGwt x/]s Jofj;flox?n] ug'{ kb{5 .
·        ljBfnodf k|of]u e}/x]sf n]8o'Qm h] hlt klg ;{;fdu|L 5g ;a}sf] a}slNks ?kdf n]8d'Qm ;{;fdu|L k|of]u ug]{ tyf u/fpg] jftfj/0f tof/ kfg]{ .
·        n]8o'Qm k]G6sf] ;§fdf ahf/df kfOg] n]8 gld;fOPsf] k]G6 k|of]u ug'{kg]{df hf]8lbg] / ;f]sf] nflu lzIff lgodfanLdfg} ljBfnonfO{ n]8d'Qm If]q 3f]ifLt u/L ;a} ;/sf/L tyf lghL ljBfnox?df n]8 gld;fO{Psf] k]G6x?dfq k|of]u ug{u/fpg kqfrf/ tyf hgr]Tfgf hufpg] .
·        ;/f]sf/afnfx?af6 vf;u/L gfu/Ls ;dfh, lzIffsdL{, :jf:YosdL{ / ;~rf/sdL{x? Psh'6 eP/ cfj:os cg'udg tyf hgr]tgf clea[l4 ;DaGwL 1fgd'ns sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/g'kg]{ jf s'g} cGo tl/sf h:t} rnlrq b]vfpg], t'n 6fªg], krf{ af8\g], cGt{lqmofTds sfo{qmd ug]{ cflbaf6 jfnjflnsfnfO{ hfu?s ul/g'kg]{ tyf ;r]t agfOg'kg]{ .


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