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International Support: Whom to Provide???

Government or NGO/INGOs

25th April, On a very beautiful day, the nature rudely punished our own Country, Nepal, with huge 7.9 Richter Scale Earthquake, lasting not just for a second or two, but for whole minute. The impact was felt strongly in more than 30 districts among 75. Within a 5 minute of quake, the devastating news started circulating, reaching out the world. The news of collapse of Dharahara (heart of Kathmandu), major tourist sites, half a million of buildings, direct or indirect impact to millions of citizens, circulated quickly. Landslides started to trigger, and showed its strength in many other districts. Sadly, 8000+ death casualties, 20000+ injuries are reported. And the very beautiful holiday that was expected turn out to be a day what we call as "Black Day."

As an immediate response, Government of Nepal initiated the rescue activities. It was thousands of youths who came out to the road and initiated the rescue activities to help who were badly impacted by earthquake. INGO/NGOs planned to take the things further. Few days after quake, nobody knew what to do then and what could help move forward. But still, every single individual living in this country has put his/her effort in the form of technical, physical or financial support. Situation of Nepal covered the headlines of international media such as CNN and BBC. International rescue troops also shared their helping hands in such crisis by coming to Nepal with the highly equipped technologies and trained rescue officials. Globe started to promise to provide funds and support to Nepal for the relief and rehabilitation activities.

For the sake of effective management of fund support, Government of Nepal has declared a one door policy, which makes it mandatory for international arenas to show the necessary supporting documents in order to provide supply in Nepal. This didn't bode well. It built up some sort of barrier and hindrances for relief distribution. INGO/NGOs started putting their views on government declaration, and were mostly negative. Meanwhile, few youth led movements continuously engaged in relief distribution activities. They researched about the quake hit areas and actual casualties and provided the support from their resources. They didn't have any time and plan for complain against such government declaration for delaying such process in critical situation.

For long term, numerous countries have promised to provide fund support to Nepal for the relief and rehabilitation activities. Till today, very few have provided the fund to Government Fund account. Promise is a huge thing that immediately catches media, and gets widespread public attention and appreciation but deliverance is completely another thing which seems to be out of public reach. What public believes is that the international arenas have provided millions of dollars as a fund support to government to continue activities in this panic situation. Public think that Government is mismanaging these supports and corruption is what is taking place instead. INGO/NGOs are promoting this news of international support more than the relief material distribution activities.

Numerous INGO/NGOs are creating a rumor that Government won't let utilize the fund. Public put their rage in social media saying corrupt officials will take all the money to their home. They also blame political parties who try to distribute the support Nepal is getting among themselves to run their political party. Since, large part of international arenas are declaring the provision of fund support to government, INGO/NGOs has initiated spreading negative rave on Government capabilities.

Now the question remains:: 
Who is the leading agency to take the country forward?
Should International Arena provide fund to Government of Nepal or have trust on INGOs/NGOs?
Who is the most trustworthy group to effectively utilize the international support?

Along with these, there comes an equally important aspects to provide support such as 

Transparency, Accountability, Sustainability, Public Acceptance, etc. 

It's surprising thing to see the current situation of INGO/NGOs and Government arguing over the claim of being effective agency to utilize the fund. More surprising fact is, Government is in situation to prove their worth. IRONY!!!!!


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