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International Support: Whom to Provide???

Government or NGO/INGOs

Whenever one ask for the name of agency or organization that could utilize the collected fund at effective level, majority of us comment with our respective organization name. 
Mostly Respective NGOs or Bibekshil Nepal.. We rarely suggest the government fund.
For once, think about what we are suggesting and for which purpose we are suggesting for. We are suggesting for the rehabilitation purpose. In current prospect, what we think is NGO or Bibekshil Nepal or random party could provide the best rehabilitation process.
First point is, we are not in the phase of relief. Now we are talking something big and its rehabilitation process. All the citizen of this country depend on government authority and we are suggesting some party name or NGO name. Do these NGOs or Party really look for long term purpose?
If we talk about sustainability, it's nothing but more than some sort of
:: Dollor Kheti ( For NGOs/INGOs)
:: Popularity contest to gain VOTE in coming election (For Party)
I appreciate the role of NGO/Party in rescue activities and relief distribution. Those were the time where everyone must have united and put their efforts which I believe everybody did and succeed as well.
But when we talk about rehabilitation, there are not any authentic body other than Government body to take in-charge to reach to every single area of country, provide the best suitable option for respective areas, satisfy the citizen and proceed with suitable plans.
Here are the reasons why Government Authority should be trusted::
a) Overhead Cost::
None of the NGO work for free. Their overhead cost and technical cost is more than enough to reconstruct 1-2 village. They travel in AC vehicle, charge the amount and have a TA/DA of 2-3+ times of what government staff does. NGO work on Dollor basis. They will work till the point they can cover their overhead charge. If they don't get enough fund to cover the high cost of overhead charge, their plan get failed in middle without providing any output.
Goverment staff will work on regular salary and min. TA/DA which will be paid according to government norms through regular basis. No extra amount should be separated for their charge.
b) Accountability::
It's already been 40+ years, NGO being operated inside the Nepalese boundary. But their accountability is rarely seen. They develop the model project and leave to the local to continue. They never think about whether local can have long term benefit from that project or not. Whether local could operate the program for long term or not.. These things are neglected. After 3-5 years of the program activities, if we go and ask to the respective I/NGO regarding their productivity, their reply would be, we don't have any current database regarding program. We handed to local and its their duty to continue the program.
In term of government activities, we can seek for a reply at any point of time. Even after decade, we can go and search for the program details. Most of the cases, we can have those as well.
c) Most Important, Sustainability ::
I/NGOs work for certain point of time. They do what they are supposed to do and leave the thing as it is (progress or failure doesn't matter). What if they use the duplicate and low quality material. Or what if the structure which they constructed get damaged in shorter period? who will be the responsible body to answer that?? I/NGO or Government.
At such point, we will never reach to respective I/NGO but we can reach to government body. We can seek for the compensation and other suitable activities.
I/NGO work for project period. Government work for period depending upon the necessity of the location. Sustainability is the big issue over here. I can firmly say that, None of the I/NGO can provide us the sustainable plans and programs better than the Government Authority.
d) Corruption ::
We always talk about corruption in our country. But Do we even know, how much corrupted these I/NGOs are?? Majority of I/NGOs work on 40 (Work)/60 (Pocket) Model ... And nobody cares about this. Coz in Paper, they convert it into 90/10. But if government do the same, same I/NGO do some sort of survey and put the government in top of the corruption list. In reality, government implies 70/30 Model.. We citizen, never care about the authenticity and reliability of the survey and major motive behind the survey.
Now say, who is more corrupted.. On top of that, I/NGO provide the internal data of country to external world but not to the citizen of this country. Meanwhile, Government provide majority of the database to each citizen of this country.

Now think which is suitable for the nation.
I/NGO and Party or Government Authority.
Choice is ours..
Whom to trust and provide support or not to support.

Source:  Wall Post, Mens Room Reloaded
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