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Kathmandu Valley is the 3rd most polluted city in world: Is It???

Few days back, there were headlines in national newspaper stating the Kathmandu Valley being third polluted city  around the world which caught my eyes. Kathmandu Valley due to its geographical structure, continuous influx of population from all around the country, presence of more than 100 brick kiln industries, ever increasing number of vehicle and the emission caused by them, unplanned solid waste management strategies (no sanitary landfill site), limited drinking water supply as per demand, unplanned construction activities, etc. are the leading problem behind these pollution. But still, it was eye catching fact that Kathmandu Valley being third polluted city. The same surprise dragged me to check the research based site.

The information's provided in site and the way national newspaper presented the information more surprised me than the headline as mentioned in following pictures.

Source for the finding as per mentioned in article:


Major Findings (as per website)

Major Points to be noted:

From the information as per website, total number of people participated in survey= 61 throughout the last 3 years.
If we consider it on annual basis, not more than 20 filled the questionnaire.
Kathmandu being one of the polluted city around the world, ZERO DOUBT in that.
But, to consider the Kathmandu being third polluted city on the basis of 61 participant (that too completely based on perception) is HYPOCRISY at its best. 
And following the same article and presenting on national newspaper as if it's the authentic globally accepted research and threatening the Nepalese citizen is lame journalism.
The situation of Kathmandu is worsening each passing year, we must come up with sustainable ideas to tackle with ever growing environmental issues but it doesn't mean, one can simply refer to research based on perception and present the city as if we just need to evacuate the city as earliest as possible. Rather than making people aware about the situation, it will just create havoc among people and create rage against the government and system of not being able to do anything to improve the condition. 

For the one willing to be part of the survey:

  Go to the link :


Some facts on how many time one can enter the data and the change in index/position
Result after the first attempt:

Result after second attempt:

Result after the third attempt:

Change in ranking of Nepal after 2 entries:

Now, Be happy... Kathmandu lies at 13th ranking (in terms of Polluted city, As per Pollution Index)


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