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Appeal for Fund support to improve status of education and health

Improvement in education quality through hiring of local teacher

Himalchuli Primary School is located at Gaganpani Paire-7, Dhading district with 50+ students. Majority of the student belongs to the economically deprived Tamang and Chepang community. Community people don’t have much time to properly guide their children as they spent their most of the time in labor activities. School also comprises of the single orphan or double orphan as well as separated children as their students. Few families take their child to the school with the belief of getting rid of their child and time for labor activities rather than educating their children.  

Problem Analysis
Children come to school with empty stomach without any food for lunch as well. To stay in class from 10am-3 pm without food, their health as well as psychological condition is getting worse each passing day. As they couldn’t concentrate on study with hungry stomach, they used to bunk from school deteriorating the quality of education. 
·         No any support from local community.
·         Teachers needed to collect student from door-door visit each day.
·         Due to lack of teacher, no proper guidance to students.
·         Due to irregularity of teacher, usually school gets closed due to the absence of even single teacher.
·         No room for class division making life difficult for teacher to educate children.

Intervention from Bookmandu

Information about hired Teacher:
Kalpana Tamang
18 years
Gaganpani-7, Dhading
Current status
Studying at Mahakali Higher Secondary School, Simle

After having the situational analysis, Bookmandu Nepal conducted the multiple fundraising campaigns in the form of Hike for Cause”. With the raised fund, BN hired the local teacher (female) with the agreement for 1 year. Bookmandu Nepal already provided the financial support to school to hire teacher for 5 month. With the support, she is serving the classes for school education and community based adult education in Himalchuli Primary School and at Gadimai Tole, Gaganpani-7, Dhading.
·         Support of stationary materials to students from economically deprived families.
·         Orientation on health and hygiene by participants of Hike program.

Current scenario of the school and community
Hired teacher is regularly having classes where children are happily participating and interacting with teacher. Level of acceptance of the teacher has been exciting after hiring teacher. To attract the students, she is adopting teaching approaches other than that of traditional approaches. She is focusing on the practical educations as well as on health and hygiene related issues.

Major Achievements after an intervention from Bookmandu Nepal
·         Increment in number of students after hiring teacher.
·         Adoption of the Go Local approach through utilization of locally available resources in the form of local girl as teacher.
·         Increment in attendance from students.
·         Initiation of the communal support.
·         Enhancement of quality of education.
·         Enhanced concentration among children towards classes.
·         Visible change in health and hygiene status of children.
Being the resident of same village, I feel privilege to upgrade the quality of education through my teaching approaches. It not only helped me to serve my community but also helped me to improve my own financial status.
-Kalpana Tamang, Hired Teacher

After the support of Bookmandu Nepal, our children are continuously going to school. If she will get support for next few years, we can see our child’s future bright.
                                                                                                                        -Community Member

After having Kalpana miss as our teacher, we have started to regularly come to classes. Similarly, we have started doing our regular home-works as well. As we are now habitual with her teaching approaches, we don’t feel any hesitancy to consult her about our problems.
                                                                        -Students, Class 2, Himalchuli Primary School
 Way Forward
·         Requirement of fund support for next 7 months (as commitment) and next few years (sustainable future).
·         Requirement of educational material support to the children from economically deprived community.
·         Requirement of support to implement day meal package system to improve the health condition of students.


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