Idols (also known as SuperStar in some countries) is a reality television singing competition format created by British television producer Simon Fuller and developed by FremantleMedia. The format began in 2001 with the British television series Pop Idol; its first adaptation was the Polish series Idol in 2002. It has since become the world's most widely watched television franchise, as well as one of the most successful entertainment formats, adapted in over 46 regions around the world, with its various versions broadcast to 150 countries. (copied from Wikipedia)
Anu Shakya and Kenjal Mehar Shrestha :
As of this blog post date, Theatre round has been completed. 16 excellent talent has been finalized from 1000s of talents throughout the country.
Among the contestants passing the First round, few are already renowned into the Nepalese musical market whereas few are still struggling to grow their musical career.
Here are the list of contestants whom you can find on youtube:
Kenjal Mehar Shrestha:
For her other songs:
Kenjal Mehar Shrestha:
For her other songs:
Menuka Poudel (Radio Nepal Singing Competition 2072 Winner):
Sandhya Joshi (You Tuber/Cover Singer):
Youtube Channel:
Anamika Malla (Professional Singer since 2012):
Youtube Channel:
Anamika Malla (Professional Singer since 2012):
Chintu (Famous singer of Churot Song also got his own youtube channel):
Official youtube channel link:
Manoj Thapa Magar:
Afsar Ali (Nepal Tara 3 Top 20 Participant, Voice of Butwal 2073 Winner):
Pragya Shree (Nepal Tara 3 Top 20 Participant):
Pratap Das (Nepal Tara 3 Top 5 Contestant):
Sagar Ale (Finalist, Big Icon 2016, Nepal Tara 3 Top 20 contestant)):
Pratap Lama (Nepal Tara 3 Winner):
Sahil Ali (Initiated professional musical career since 2014):
Nishan Bhattarai (Singing Icon Contestant):
Buddha Lama (Big Icon 2012 Top 3 finalist):
Jyovan Bhuju (Famous Youtuber/Cover Singer among youth) and Anu Shakya:
Youtube Channel Link:
Anu Shakya and Kenjal Mehar Shrestha :
Suraj Thapa (Professional Singer):