Every year millions of dollars are being invested in software activities via loans and donations.
Empowerment in the name of minorities.
Empowerment in the name of gender.
Empowerment in the name of caste.
Empowerment in the name of geography.
Empowerment in the name of ethnicity.
Empowerment in the name of income sources.
Empowerment in the name of disability.
(Unfortunately the definition and the category of the minorities keeps on changing with the type and size of the funding agencies.)
Can anyone tell what's the achievement of those billions of investment in empowerment?
Let's just imagine the situation where, the 25% of those annual loans and donations since 1990s actually been invested in infrastructure development i.e. constructions and renovations, Nepal would have been the dreamland for million of Nepalese residing across the world. Whatever the achievement has been met in last decade, it's not due to the software activities but due to an accessibility to the better infrastructures via roadways.
One can reach to remote areas of the country where the road access has been possible in last decade and do the survey. The road access means the dozen of ways to generate income. The more sources of income generation means the better chances of improving the livelihood.
The more money.. The better living standard..
The better living standard... The better health condition..
To conclude, Nepal and Nepalese are hungry to have the infrastructure development. Once they do have financial stability, the so called "unhygienic and unhealthy practices" will walk away from their day-day behavior in no time.
With an opportunities to generate income via diverse sources, there lies no support for empowerment. It's mainly because, money can easily make human being self equipped with so called "healthy practices".